Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 6 Deming NM to Phoenix AZ

WE MADE IT!!!! 364 miles today. 3,407 total from home to here.
Here are some photos taken while in west new Mexico
This train was 1.3 miles long.
My "little buddy" likes trains.  :-)
 Se those trees in the distance? Trees in the desert mean water or a house. There is a house there.
 Nuttin' but desert.
 There is a tree here because there is a well and tank for cattle
 More desert
 And more
 Hey.. A little mountain
A Pee-can" grove and the well that is used to water it.
I missed the Continental Divide sign but this one will work, Rivers now flow south and west.
Lookie here.... We made it to Arizona.
All our riding in New Mexico and Arizona left us with bugs all over the front of our bikes.
I saw this sign and couldn't help but put it here.
Saddle back Mountain just east of Phoenix.
 I have more videos but they take time to load. I will add them when I can so check back here.
Here is the map. I will start another (showing our trip home) when we leave Phoenix next week-end.

Videos are not working on this site.
I have uploaded then to You tube.
Click this URL and look for the 2013 videos.
Al and I will be doing day trips for the next 9 days or so.
A special thank you to my friend Don and his wife Melissa for letting me stay in their home while I am in Phoenix. I couldn't do this without them!!! Love you guys!!

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